Zodiac Signs Book Series

Last summer I was approached by Sterling Ethos in New York to do the artwork for their Zodiac Signs Astrology book series which was a huge honour. The art director had come across my previous galaxy paintings on Pinterest (which proves you can be spotted anywhere!) and wanted something with a similar look for the books.

Zodiac Signs Book Series - Original Paintings

I was asked to create 12 galaxy paintings in watercolour and they needed to be themed in the colours that matched the zodiac sign. I had a lot of fun picking out the colours! I was also asked to create vectors of the astrology signs, so it was nice to get to do traditional and digital work for one project.

But by far my favourite, was creating the paintings! Galaxies are super relaxing to do, it's one of the best things to do with watercolour because there's no real right or wrong way - it's all about how the paint lands in the water.

Zodiac Signs Book Series - Original Paintings

Paper: Bockingford Watercolour Paper Cold Press 

Watercolours: Winsor and Newton 

As this was my first big paid illustration job, I was pretty nervous and wanted to make sure I got it right! Thankfully there’s lots of great resources out there for illustrators so I didn’t feel like I floundered too much. I highly recommend the AOI if you're in the UK. 
Zodiac Signs Book Series Covers by Sarah Frances

When the books arrived a few months later, it was so exciting to see my name in the credits and see my artwork look so pretty on the covers!


Zodiac Signs Book Series

Zodiac Signs Book Series


As I got given quite a few copies of each book, I’ve (finally) added these to the shop. If you or someone you know is into Astrology, the books make perfect little stocking fillers! 


October 23, 2020 — Sarah Frances

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