Feature in The Simple Things magazine

Feature in The Simple Things magazine

My British Beetles illustrations had a full page feature in the November 2024 issue of The Simple Things magazine.

February 18, 2025 — Sarah Frances
Tags: Press
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Small Business

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Small Business

From the very beginning of my business, I've tried my best to make the best eco-friendly decisions when it comes to where I get my products made and the packaging I use.
April 13, 2022 — Sarah Frances
Inside the Christmas Collection

Inside the Christmas Collection

This year's Christmas collection is a mix of new and old designs, combining my best selling collections with all things festive!

I always struggle when it comes to Christmas goods, mainly because there's always that slight fear that nothing will sell and I'll be stuck with it for years to come - I'm sure big businesses don't get this nervous!

November 09, 2021 — Sarah Frances
New York at Christmas (2018) Photo Diary

New York at Christmas (2018) Photo Diary

Another of my little photo diaries, this time I'm showing my Christmas 2018 trip to New York. I've been lucky enough to visit NYC a few times over the years, but this was the first time we were there for Christmas!
December 22, 2020 — Sarah Frances
Zodiac Signs Astrology Book Series

Zodiac Signs Astrology Book Series

Last summer I was approached by Sterling Ethos in New York to do the artwork for their Zodiac Signs Astrology book series which was a huge honour.
October 23, 2020 — Sarah Frances
Edinburgh Map & Photo Diary

Edinburgh Map & Photo Diary

Edinburgh is such a lovely city - and it's the focus of my brand new illustrated map .

Maps are my favourite thing to create but for some reason this one took forever. Either way, I'm so happy with how it's turned out. 

I went to Edinburgh a couple of years ago now but as always I'm a procrastinator so haven't gotten around to post the photos but here they are! 

July 22, 2020 — Sarah Frances
Free Colouring Sheets!

Free Colouring Sheets!

In these uncertain and scary times, I thought I’d give you a distraction from the news by creating 2 colouring sheets for you to enjoy for free!

March 21, 2020 — Sarah Frances
Tags: Freebies
Self Care Enamel Pin Collection Kickstarter

Self Care Enamel Pin Collection Kickstarter

I’m excited to launch my brand new Kickstarter project to get a new collection of enamel pins made! Following the success of my first Kickstarter for my Invisible Illness Club pins, I decided to create some new designs focusing on the importance of self care.
March 06, 2019 — Sarah Hector
Etsy Made Local Exeter - 1-2 Dec

Etsy Made Local Exeter - 1-2 Dec

I had the absolute pleasure of having a stall at the very first Etsy Made Local event in Exeter held at Exeter Phoenix!
December 06, 2018 — Sarah Frances
Photo Diary: Berry Head, Brixham

Photo Diary: Berry Head, Brixham

Even though I've now lived in Brixham, a historic fishing town in South Devon, for nearly 9 months, I still haven't managed to explore the area in great detail. Not for lack of trying of course, but no one warned me how much rain Devon gets! 

So when the sun decided to creep out a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't resist getting out into the sun and taking my camera for a jolly in the countryside.

May 03, 2018 — Sarah Frances